Declaration of Principles

Declaration of Principles of Suomen Sisu

The securing of our folk's existence and development and the preservation of actual and natural diversity

All nations, races and cultures are valuable in themselves, and their long-term progress must be ensured. The eradication of mankind's natural diversity by the deceiving name of multiculturalism must end. Nations must not be mixed together on purpose and historically developed cultures destroyed by replacing them with a global spectrum of subcultures. Nations must not be subjected to supranational economical values.

The basis of nationalism is formed by understanding our place as one link all the way from the very first ancestors to the last successor of descendants. It is because of this that we must honor the work done and cultures created by our ancestors through millennia, and transfer his heritage to our children instead of allowing short-sighted impulses to permanently change it. With the deeds of today, we must secure our descendants' opportunity for life and a right to a national identity.

We see that these goals are best achieved in a firm national state that encourages its members to a spiritually and physically healthy life and does not sacrifice its people's welfare to the conditions of supranational economy.

Separating the Finnish national state from international coalitions endangering its national interests

Healthy national self-interest and freedom of movement must be preserved in the foreign relations of our land. Joining supranational political, economical and military coalitions may cause unpredictable political risks.

Societal justice and order

We struggle for a just and stable Finnish-national society at the social level. The general civil order must be primarily based on moral values shared by everyone, although the punishments for some types of crimes must be more severe than today. For us, societal justice is not simply a tool for keeping the masses content like it is to the bourgeois, but a real aim. A righteous society is desired to be maintained and taken care of, defended and guarded. Societal justice creates national solidarity and thus reinforces society and enhances the living possibilities of its members.

Righteousness is too often understood as simply an as wide a spectrum of freedoms as possible. Suomen Sisu strives to create a society where every Finn is treated according to their worth on equal grounds, and where everyone has an opportunity to develop and achieve a position suitable for their abilities. The relationship between the community and the individual must be balanced so that neither will exploit the other.

Rule of the People

There have been many approaches and many different types of states in constructing a good society. Since the Antiquity, the ideal of societal philosophers has been a state led by the folk itself, where everyone has a chance to partake in decisions and bear responsibility for their choices. True power of the people is practised in the ideal society of Suomen Sisu, where the people's will is the supreme authority. The only task of the state is to realize the interest of the folk. In a society like this, the people's will isn't being bound by freedom-constraining contracts of few, laws passed on by a small elite or wishes of the reigning propaganda machinery. A democracy that is based solely on parliamentarism is a travesty of democracy.

The accomplishment of real freedom of speech and responsibility in society

Freedom of speech, thought and conscience are valuable even in themselves, but especially so in overseeing social development. Restricting and denying of the freedom of speech causes unnecessary radicalization, thus there must not be any matter that should not be talked about or criticized. The truth must not be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.

To counter boundless freedom of speech, everyone must take responsibility for their words. Opinion leaders must not be let go unpunished if they have harmed the society or its members by dishonestly taking advantage of the freedom of speech.

The freedom and obligation of the individual to improve himself mentally and physically

Societal ideologies until now have emphasized either a h3 society or an overtly free individual and thus caused distortion in the given structure of the society. Suomen Sisu perceives both the society and individual as equal, synergic collaborators. Neither must abuse the other.

An individual has to have the freedom to develop himself to be a mentally and physically better human but on the other hand, he must also have a liability to do so for the society to benefit from the strenghtening of its individual members. We oppose the kind of dualistic conception by which the physical and spiritual side of the individual are artificially separated from each other. Man is always a whole.

Recognizing gender equality as a part of the northern heritage

Men and women are mentally and physically dissimilar, but intellectually equal and they must have equal opportunities in life. Equality between genders has traditionally been a part of a Nordic society and the civil division of labour has to be changed according to this principle. The development of a natural sexual identity must be secured since childhood.

Actualizing a responsible relationship between man and nature

As with his community, man is likewise in co-operation with nature. A vigorous environment provides for the requirements of welfare and for its part, it benefits the aim of developing oneself.

Man has the power to change his surroundings and shape nature as he wishes. Countering this might is the responsibility of taking care of nature's well-being and possibilities of growth. To secure the future generations' chances of living we must protect nature and it's possibilities of evolving during our own time.

Opposition of unhealthy selfishness and consumer society

Selfishness is a natural trait of the human individual, and at best it makes individuals work better towards ensuring their own prosperity and this way it profits the whole community. Unhealthy selfishness deprives others of living opportunities and exploits weaker ones, nature and the community. In addition, it creates discord and crime and thus weakens the trust and respect towards society.

A way of life centered on materialism has led into exploiting natural resources and the ruin of the environment. It has caused people to forget their spiritual well-being, thus increasing discrimination, social nausea, mental illnesses and indifference towards others.

The greatest menace of consumerism is a society where people, whose spiritual abilities have atrophied due to matter-centered living, are slaves to a small ruling group without being aware of it themselves. Critical thinking must not be replaced with uncritical consuming.

Understanding national culture as the heart of society and an advancing force

Societal influencers with their cultural events have created an image that culture would be something distinct from the life of the folk, detached, something that must be visited separately. Suomen Sisu thinks that culture is prevalent in our everyday life, habits and values. Culture must not be isolated as a separate whole, because it is easy to destroy if the people do not know it as their own.

Culture and it's achievements cultivate the national soul, folk's idea of their own community, and at the same time they help creating identity and upholding national solidarity. Works of art do well to mirror the culture of a given time. In a society where pieces of art live for a short time or where art misleadingly resembles junk, no-one can fare well. Works of art and monuments help people create communality, and it is not always possible with modern art.

The protection of Finnish language's natural evolution, because mother tongue is a part of identity

Native language is the most important spiritual resource of the individual. He uses it to think and to outline his picture of life. Shattering the mother tongue with new terms and double meanings crushes the individual's ability to compose his own, independent thoughts andorwell-esquely denies him the freedom of thought.

During a time when new terms, foreign loanwords and acronyms are attached to the language at an accelerating pace, it is simple to also change the meaning of words. The elite in power has already now altered the meaning of some words so that using normal words is nearly illegal. Simultaneously it has created new words for legal thought - word wizardry and smoke curtains to remove the problems from the scope of critical discussion.

Language must not be stiffened to a certain mould or moment, but allowed to naturally grow in order to correlate with the needs of the time. Establishment of the language's status quo and death may be the response to forceful altering of the language. Neither state of affairs is desirable, and that is why the natural development of the Finnish language must be secured.

Reinforcing national self-esteem and pride

To evade uneven government in the future, Finns must be proud of their own nationality and cultural heritage. The attempts of unsteady rulers to absorb alien influences to "add" to our own culture are crimes against the nation. A short-sighted fad must not replace our ownhistory. We gain national pride from the toil and success of the past and present generations. It is right to respect one's own roots and community.

Generating a society based on an organic folk community

A society working by national principles is founded on a folk community that forms a true social whole. The interests of this folkish entity are best ensured by a Finnish national state.

A modern national state is also internationally active although it holds tight to its own basis, aims and conditions. International co-operation must not restrict the folk's power to govern themselves and Finland can not take part in such activity against a third party.

Supporting worldwide nationalist change

Even though national reform is possible to actualize in just one state, we promote other nations' struggles to change their society towards the national structure and philosophy of state. To realize this aim, we strenghten the "Europe of the Nations" model of thought and build collaborative relationships with nationalists of other countries.

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